Daniel Felsenstein is a Professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
His fields of interest are economic geography and regional science. His work uses the tools of dynamic simulation modeling and spatial econometrics. Current research projects relate to simulating urban resilience to large scale shocks, dynamics of change in housing markets and estimating a spatial general equilibrium model for Israel.He has worked in the areas of local economic development, landuse-transportation modeling, measuring regional income disparities, local labor market processes, dynamics of regional housing markets and agent-based modeling of disasters. He has published over 120 papers and 6 books on these and other related topics. At the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, he has served as Director of the Institute of Urban and Regional Studies,2002-2010 and Academic Director of the Center for Computational Geography, Department of Geography, Hebrew University, 2009-2015. With respect to service in National and International Organizations he served as a member of the National Council of Surveyors and Land Appraisers 2004-2013, Chair of the National Committee for Geography, Ministry of Education, 2012-2016 and is currently consultant/national expert to the OECD Programme on Local Economic and Employment Development (LEED).